设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards2024-2025

作者/Writer:Young Bird Plan 2024.04.16







【1】Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖面向全球开放报名。空间类设计机构、产品类设计机构/品牌、品牌/大事件类策划/运营机构均可报名。

报名费用/Entry Fee

早鸟报名费/Early Bird Registration Fee : 2850 (RMB)
常规报名费/Regular Registration Fee : 3680 (RMB)
延期报名费/Extension Registration Fee : 4680 (RMB)


获奖权益/Awards Benefits
Regular Award Benefits (Essential Award-winning Benefits)
Winners are entitled to regular award benefits as follows:
A. Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖获奖证书(电子版)
A. Designverse Awards certificate (digital version)
B. 获奖年鉴(电子版)
B. Digital Yearbook
C. Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖LOGO使用权
C. Right to use the Designverse Awards logo
D. 获奖作品发布在designverse旗下相关社交媒体分发
D. Winning works released and distributed on relevant social media platforms under designverse
E. designverse设计宇宙平台首页& 大奖tag&IP页展示和优先推荐(含奖项logo)
E. Designverse Platform homepage & prize tag & IP page display and priority recommendation (including award logo)
F. designverse设计宇宙平台获奖机构/品牌头像在网站首页展示(限评审团大奖&超越奖)
F. The logos of winning agencies/brands on the Designverse Platform homepage display (limited to Jury Grand Prize & Outstanding Prize)
*宣传推广权益升级版 (可选获奖权益)*Promotion and Publicity Benefits PRO (Optional Award-winning Benefits)

After paying the promotion and publicity fee, winners will receive the Promotion and Publicity Benefits PRO, including the following benefits:
A. Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖奖杯&获奖证书(纸质版)
A. Designverse Awards trophy & certificate (copy version)
B. 专栏访谈&新媒体文章发布推广:Eyes on Me夺目、Super Nova超新星和Top Talk三选一。
B. Column interview and new media articles publication and promotion: Choice between "Eyes on Me" and "Super Nova" columns.
C. 短视频eye on me设计宇宙发现你案例合作
C. Short video "eye on me" Designverse Discovers You Case Collaboration.
*The above B and C will be published on the official Designverse website, WeChat public account/video account, and distributed to matrix media platforms (including Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Tik Tok, Tencent Video, Bilibili, iQIYI, Sohu, Youku, etc.).
* Eyes on Me夺目栏目旨在发掘蕴含创新的设计思维和实践。*The "Eyes on Me" column aims to discover innovative design thinking and practices.* Super Nova超新星栏目挖掘和曝光大设计产业链中的超新星人群,展现先锋的独特表达,他们有灵魂、有秩序的生命的运化,见证超级设计新星和这个时代共同的璀璨聚变。
*The "Super Nova" column highlights and exposes emerging stars in the big design industry chain, showcasing their unique expressions of innovation. They represent the fusion of soul and order, witnessing the brilliant fusion of super design stars and this era.
D. 定制品牌数字化资产咨询报告
D. Custom Brand Digital Asset Consultation Report

*品牌数字化资产是互联网上与品牌相关的活跃内容的集合,是品牌在数字领域积累的相关信息及消费者与品牌信息的连接强度的综合。品牌数字资产是对品牌在互联网上累积的所有信息的量化审计,以一个综合指标的形式评估品牌在数字领域的表现。*Brand digital assets refer to the collection of active content related to the brand on the Internet. They encompass the accumulation of relevant information about the brand in the digital domain and the strength of connection between consumers and brand information. Brand digital assets involve a quantitative audit of all information accumulated by the brand on the Internet, evaluating the brand's performance in the digital domain in the form of a comprehensive index.*designverse设计宇宙大数据研究中心可以助力您针对有效目标采集分析,为委托机构在更短的时间内更专业全面的提供的数据支持,建议提升空间和方向,助力品牌成长。
*The Designverse Big Data Research Center can assist you in collecting and analyzing data tailored to specific objectives, providing comprehensive and professional data support to client organizations in a shorter timeframe. We offer recommendations for improvement and direction to facilitate brand growth.


Global Design Ecosystem Big Data Research Award 

Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖作为 YoungBird 嫩鸟旗下全球设计生态大数据研究&服务平台内核心产品,由Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单在2019年上线不断累积数据和判断依据,在运营三年后升级进化成为Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖。 

Designverse Awards, as a core product of YoungBird's global design ecosystem big data research & service platform, evolved from Designverse Ranking, which went online in 2019 and continuously accumulated data and judgment criteria. After three years of operation, it has upgraded to Designverse Awards. 

Designverse Ranking 设计宇宙榜单是 designverse 设计宇宙平台的重要组成,基于全球设计类奖项和专业媒体等数据和算法开发而生成的逻辑体系,填补了*开发类机构和*设计资源类机构的市场认知,通过用户共建&大数据采集实际发生的项目、事件的内容持续不断梳理、完善、提炼、总结,让追求美好、优质的全球开发类机构和设计资源类机构在此实现连接。 

Designverse Ranking is an important component of the Designverse platform, developed based on global design awards and professional media data and algorithms. It fills the market awareness gap for development and design agencies. Through user co-construction and continuous collection, refinement, extraction, and summarization of actual projects and events, it allows global development agencies and design resource agencies pursuing beauty and quality to connect. 

Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖是一个链接设计资源类机构和开发类机构的奖项平台,为开发类机构精准锁定设计细分领域的设计资源池,同时助力设计资源类机构,通过奖项平台依托的大数据及数据监测、搜索排名、资源链接、品牌推广的独特功能,观照自身在设计行业的位置,并通过奖项平台的宣传及推广服务来夯实自身的品牌建设。

Designverse Awards is an award platform that connects design resource agencies and development agencies, accurately targeting the design resource pool of design subfields for development agencies, and empowering design resource agencies. Through the unique functions of big data and data monitoring, search ranking, resource linking, and brand promotion provided by the award platform, it allows them to reflect on their position in the design industry and solidify their brand through the promotion and publicity services of the award platform. 

Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖旨在表彰对大设计产业链做出卓越贡献的设计机构、品牌/企业和极具影响力的大事件。通过榜单数字筛选、平台内容推广赋能,为参评机构输入长期品牌成长孵化&咨询服务、大奖支持原创并助力参评机构提升品牌数字化资产价值、获得被行业发现并认可的机会,触摸到更广泛的潜在商机。此外,大奖作为一个对外公布知识产权的平台中心,协助确认参评作品知识产权的发布日期,支持和鼓励参评作品的原创性,为参评作品的维权提供支持和背书。

Designverse Awards aims to recognize design agencies, brands/companies, and highly influential events that have made outstanding contributions to the big design industry chain. Through rankings' digital filtering and platform empowering by content promotion, we provide participating agencies with long-term brand growth incubation and consulting services, support originality with awards, and help participating agencies enhance the value of their digital assets, enabling them to be discovered and recognized by the industry, and to tap into a wider range of potential business opportunities. Furthermore, the award serves as a platform center for publicizing intellectual property rights, assisting in confirming the publication dates of entries' intellectual property, supporting and encouraging the originality of entries, and providing support and endorsement for the rights protection of entries.


Design resource agencies: including scheme design, technical consultants, professional consultants, specialized consultants, operation consultants, etc. 


Development agencies: such as government, government development platforms, developers, brand owners from various industries, high-quality private owners, etc. 

终审评委团/Final Review Judging Panel 

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖终审评委团由对大设计产业生态有具体理解、合作经验积累、判断力的行业领袖,以及国际视野和知名作品主导经验的专项评委组成,共同评选空间设计类、产品设计类以及品牌/大事件类各细分类别的“设计宇宙大奖评审团大奖”,并从中挑选最终评定“设计宇宙大奖超越奖”。 

The final jury panel of the Designverse Awards consists of industry leaders who have a concrete understanding of the big design industry ecosystem, accumulated cooperation experience, and judgment, as well as specialized judges with international perspectives and experience leading renowned works. Together, they evaluate the "Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize" in various subcategories of space, product, and brands/major events categories, and select the "Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize" from them. 


The "Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize" includes six Outstanding Prize in space category (architecture, landscape, interiors, technical consultants, professional consultants, specialized consultants), four Outstanding Prize in product category (residential, office, social and leisure, transportation), and two Outstanding Prize for annual major events. 

终审评委团成员有权利推荐2家参评机构直接入围提名奖,还拥有设置评委会特别单项大奖的权利。Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025终审评委团在大奖启动后将陆续对外公布18位专项评委。

Members of the final jury panel have the right to recommend 2 participating agencies directly shortlisted for Nomination Prize, and also have the right to set up Special Jury Single Prize. The final jury panel of 2024-2025 Designverse Awards will gradually announce 18 specialized judges after the launch of the awards. 

评奖流程/Awards Process 

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖的评奖流程分为两个阶段:

The evaluation process of the Designverse Awards is divided into two stages: 


设计宇宙大数据研究中心参照渗透整个行业的平台大数据的统计与分析及搜索排名,助力大奖组委会筛选评定“设计宇宙大奖提名奖” 和 “设计宇宙大奖特别荣誉奖”。 




First Stage: Preliminary Evaluation Stage

The Designverse Big Data Research Center assists the Awards Committee in selecting and evaluating the "Designverse Awards Nomination Prize" and "Designverse Awards Special Honor Prize" based on statistical analysis and search rankings derived from the platform's big data, which permeates the entire industry.

- Search rankings of design resource categories within the designverse platform serve as important criteria for evaluation.

- For space category (architecture, landscape, interiors), rankings from the designverse platform are referenced as important evaluation criteria.

- For product and brands/major events category: The Designverse Big Data Research Center gathers comprehensive insights from multi-dimensional public opinion trends across the entire web. It extensively covers, identifies, and focuses on various clues and sources, including traditional media, internet/new media, social media, forums, and other channels. The database continuously tracks and efficiently integrates data, providing insights into digital assets related to design-related brands/major events, as well as online public opinion and communication volume and their concentration of activity. This assists in the overall construction of rankings for the IP section of the designverse platform, serving as a crucial basis for awards evaluation. 



Second Stage: Final Evaluation StageThe final jury panel is responsible for selecting the "Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize" and the "Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize." 

奖项设置&参评类别/Awards Setting & Entry Categories 

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖,针对空间类、产品类、品牌/大事件类,分别设置了提名奖、特别荣誉奖、评审团大奖、超越奖四类奖项。Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025,针对空间类、产品类,分别新增设置概念提名奖、概念特别荣誉奖、概念评审团大奖、概念超越奖四类奖项。 

The Designverse Awards sets four categories of awards for space, product, and brands/major events categories, namely Nomination Prize, Special Honor Prize, Jury Grand Prize, and Outstanding Prize. For the Designverse Awards 2024-2025, new categories of awards have been added for space and product categories, including Concept Nomination Prize, Concept Special Honor Prize, Concept Jury Grand Prize, and Concept Outstanding Prize. 

A. 空间类 Space Category 


Targeting all space design resource agencies, the entry categories include scheme (such as architecture, landscape, interior), technical consultants (such as structural, MEP, transportation, etc.), professional consultants (such as curation, multimedia, signage and wayfinding, etc.), specialized consultants (such as pre-planning consultant, sustainable engineering consultant, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 94. 

空间类-概念 Space Category - Concept 


 Targeting all space design resource agencies, the entry categories include scheme (such as architecture, landscape, interior), technical consultants (such as structural, MEP, transportation, etc.), professional consultants (such as curation, multimedia, signage and wayfinding, etc.), specialized consultants (such as pre-planning consultant, sustainable engineering consultant, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 94. 

B. 产品类 Product Category 


 Targeting all enterprises/brands of product category, the entry categories include residential (such as home building materials, home furniture, household appliances, etc.), office (such as office supplies, office equipment, office furniture, etc.), social and leisure (such as social space supplies, cultural space supplies, etc.), transportation (such as vehicles, boats, aviation, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 24. 

产品类-概念 Product Category - Concept 


Targeting all enterprises/brands of product category, the entry categories include residential (such as home building materials, home furniture, household appliances, etc.), office (such as office supplies, office equipment, office furniture, etc.), social and leisure (such as social space supplies, cultural space supplies, etc.), transportation (such as vehicles, boats, aviation, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 24. 

C. 品牌/大事件类 Brands/Major Events Category 


 Targeting all major events planning/operating agencies, it is mainly divided into four categories:corporate/brand (such as awards, exhibitions, promotional activities, etc.), regional/city (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, trade shows, etc.), international projects (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, awards, etc.), and domestic projects (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, media, etc.). 

参评时间表/Awards Schedule 


早鸟提交/Early Bird Submission:2024/4/1~2024/6/10 

常规提交/Regular Submission:2024/6/11~2024/11/11 

延期提交/Delayed Submission:2024/11/12~2025/1/26 

延期报名费缴纳截止/Deadline for Extension Registration Fee Payment:2025/1/27   


初审阶段/Preliminary Judging Stage:2024/4/1~2025/2/28 

终审阶段/Final Judging Stage:2025/3/1~2025/3/20   


提名奖公布/Nomination Prize Announcement:全年不间断公布 

特别荣誉奖公布/Special Honor Prize Announcement:2025/3/24 

评审团大奖公布/Jury Grand Prize Announcement:2025/3/30 

超越奖公布/Outstanding Prize Announcement:2025/4/8   

宣传推广/Promotion AND PUBLICITY 

宣传推广费缴纳截止/Deadline for Promotion and Publicity Fee Payment:2025/4/30 

宣传推广/Final Judging Stage:全年不间断节点分时宣传推广 

参评要求/Entry Requirements 

【1】Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖面向全球开放报名。空间类设计机构、产品类设计机构/品牌、品牌/大事件类策划/运营机构均可报名。 





 [1] The Designverse Awards are open for global registration. Spatial design agencies, product design agencies/brands, and brands/major events planning/operating agencies are all eligible to apply. 

 [2] Participating works must have been completed within the past five years. Works completed/purchased/used between April 1, 2019 and the deadline for registration. You can have your submitted works publicly announced on the official Designverse website after registration and submission.

 [3] There is no time or space limit for concept works, such as past bidding, unrealized designs, projects under construction or designs that have not been put into production.

 [4] Participants must be legal entities or individuals with primary responsibility, including but not limited to manufacturers and distributors of goods, building owners, software or media suppliers, project developers, and research sponsors.

 [5] For works involving multiple participants, joint registration is allowed. One party must be selected as the participant, and all other members must be registered on the Designverse platform. 






Step 1: Online Submission of Participating Works

Login to the official website of Designverse (www.designverse.com.cn) to register your agency and upload participating works.

*Complete the agency's homepage information, including the company's Chinese and English names, company logo, company introduction, expertise subfields, etc.

*Complete the content of the participating works, including well-illustrated texts, project information, image library, etc.

*For registration and uploading guide, please click the link:



Step 2: Send an Email to the Official Email Address of the Awards Committee

After completing the first step of online submission of participating works, add the WeChat account (DesignverseAwards) and send an email to the official email address of the Awards Committee: awards@designverse.com.cn. The subject of the email should be: Confirmation of Registration for Designverse Awards + Name of the Participating Agency + Name of the Participating Work. 



Step 3: The Awards Committee Confirming Your Registration and Sending Registration Payment Form

After receiving the registration email and confirming it, the Awards Committee will send the registration payment form via email. Participants are required to complete the payment before the deadline specified.


Participants who fail to make the payment within the specified period will have their registration canceled. 

早鸟报名费/Early Bird Registration Fee : 2850 (RMB) 

常规报名费/Regular Registration Fee : 3680 (RMB) 

延期报名费/Extension Registration Fee : 4680 (RMB) 

⭐️特别支持:初创设计机构参评大奖Special Support: Start-up Design Agencies Participating in the Awards 

参评者在支付报名费RMB 980后,如果参评作品收获了初审阶段大奖,并有机会进入终审阶段的时候,需要根据常规金额补齐剩余的报名费。(此处为一个参评作品,若参评作品为两个或多个则以此类推) 

After paying the registration fee of RMB 980, if a participant's entry wins a prize in the preliminary stage and has the opportunity to advance to the final stage, it will need to pay the remaining registration fee according to the regular amount. (This applies to one entry; if there are two or more entries, the same principle applies) 


Definition of start-up design agencies: architectural design agency 9 years, landscape design agency 7 years, interior design agency 5 years,industry/product design agency 3years.When applying for the award, the start-up design agency needs to provide the organization's business license as an attachment to the email, and the text in the email should say "Apply for special support". 


The above registration fees do not include taxes and are the cost for one participating work (Unit: RMB). For information on promotion and publicity fees, please consult the Awards Committee. 

*评审费包含Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖必备获奖权益。 

 The review fee includes the essential award-winning benefits of Designverse Awards.

参评权益/Benefits for Submitting Entries 

1. 参评一个作品

参评者在支付报名费RMB 3680后将自动获得如下参评权益:

A. 设计宇宙平台的宇宙黄页使用权,填写一个联络方式并对外公开(该服务价值3240元/年);

B. 在设计宇宙榜单添加媒体和奖项的榜单共建加分权;

C. 设计宇宙榜单的使用权(季度)(该服务价值2450元/年);

D. 设计宇宙匹配中心的专业提升服务,即获得一对一指导如何完善共建平台信息,如何获得更高的榜单排名。 

Submit One EntryParticipants who pay the registration fee of RMB 3680 will automatically receive the following rights:

A. Usage rights for the designverse platform's cosmic yellow pages, where they can provide one contact method publicly (valued at RMB 3240/year).

B. Co-building bonus points for adding media and awards to the Designverse Ranking.

C. Quarterly usage rights for the Designverse Ranking (valued at RMB 2450/year).

D. Professional improvement services from the Designverse Matching Center, including one-on-one guidance on how to enhance platform information for co-building and achieve higher rankings on the rankings. 

2. 参评两个作品

参评者在支付报名费RMB 7360后将自动获得如下参评权益: 

A. 设计宇宙平台的宇宙黄页使用权,填写两个联络方式并对外公开(该服务价值6480元/年);

B. 在设计宇宙榜单添加媒体和奖项的榜单共建加分权;

C. 设计宇宙榜单的使用权(半年度)(该服务价值4900元/年);

D. 设计宇宙匹配中心的专业提升服务,即获得一对一指导如何完善共建平台信息,如何获得更高的榜单排名。 

Submit Two EntriesParticipants who pay the registration fee of RMB 7360 will automatically receive the following rights:

A. Usage rights for the designverse platform's cosmic yellow pages, where they can provide two contact methods publicly (valued at RMB 6480/year).

B. Co-building bonus points for adding media and awards to the Designverse Ranking.

C. Semi-annual usage rights for the Designverse Ranking (valued at RMB 4900/year).

D. Professional improvement services from the Designverse Matching Center, including one-on-one guidance on how to enhance platform information for co-building and achieve higher rankings on the rankings. 

3. 参评三个作品

参评者在支付报名费RMB 11040后将自动获得如下参评权益:

A. 设计宇宙平台的宇宙黄页使用权,填写联络方式并对外公开,数量不限(该服务单个联络方式价值3240元/年);

B. 在设计宇宙榜单添加媒体和奖项的榜单共建加分权;

C. 设计宇宙榜单的使用权(年度)(该服务价值9800元/年);

D. 设计宇宙匹配中心的专业提升服务,即获得一对一指导如何完善共建平台信息,如何获得更高的榜单排名。 

Submit Three EntriesParticipants who pay the registration fee of RMB 11040 will automatically receive the following rights:

A. Usage rights for the designverse platform's cosmic yellow pages, where they can provide contact information publicly, with no limit on the quantity (valued at RMB 3240/year for each contact method).

B. Co-building bonus points for adding media and awards to the Designverse Ranking.

C. Annual usage rights for the Designverse Ranking (valued at RMB 9800/year).

D. Professional improvement services from the Designverse Matching Center, including one-on-one guidance on how to enhance platform information for co-building and achieve higher rankings on the rankings. 

本次 Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖参评机构(包括但不限于设计机构/企业/品牌)应对其提交的作品享有完整的知识产权,并授权主办方为举办Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖的广告、公开推广目的而合理使用上述知识产权,主办方有权将参评机构的作品进行出版、线上/线下展览、以视频等多媒体形式发布在媒体平台上。所有参评机构提交的作品均为参评机构(包括但不限于设计机构/企业/品牌)原创作品,不得包含任何侵犯任意第三方知识产权的内容。如发生侵权行为或被指控侵权,将由侵权方承担一切法律后果并取消侵权方报名或获奖的资格。 

Participants in the Designverse Awards (including but not limited to design agencies/companies/brands) hold complete intellectual property rights to their submitted works and authorize the organizer to reasonably use the aforementioned intellectual property for advertising and public promotion purposes related to the Designverse Awards. The organizer has the right to publish, exhibit online/offline, and release the works of participants in multimedia formats such as videos on media platforms. All works submitted by participants (including but not limited to design agencies/companies/brands) are original creations of the participants and must not contain any content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. In the event of any infringement or allegation of infringement, the infringing party will bear all legal consequences and be disqualified from participating or receiving any prizes. 

主  办 方:designverse设计宇宙平台 


designverse 设计宇宙大数据研究中心


designverse 设计宇宙内容中心


designverse 设计宇宙匹配中心 

支      持:上海社会科学院 

Organizer: Designverse Platform (www.designverse.com.cn

Award Execution: 

Designverse Big Data Research Center 

Designverse Content Center 

Designverse Matching Center 

【Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖】 

微信公众号:@Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖; 

新浪微博:@Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖; 

小红书:@Designverse Awards; 

Facebook:@Designverse Awards; 

Twitter:@Designverse Awards; 

Instagram:@Designverse Awards; 

Pinterest:@Designverse Awards; 





【Designverse Awards】 

 WeChat Official Account: @Designverse Awards


Sina Weibo: @Designverse Awards


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Facebook: @Designverse Awards; 

Twitter: @Designverse Awards; 

Instagram: @Designverse Awards; 

Pinterest: @Designverse Awards; 

【Designverse Platform】 

 Sina Weibo: @designverse设计宇宙; 

 Xiaohongshu: @designverse设计宇宙; 

 Welcome to follow us for the latest information on the awards. 


For any inquiries, feel free to add the Awards WeChat account (DesignverseAwards) or send an email to awards@designverse.com.cn

Desginverse Intellectual Property Center

Academic Support: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences




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