正式公告 | 上饶市广丰区文化艺术中心项目规划建筑方案竞赛

作者/Writer:官方 2024.03.22







(1) 报名单位须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构,可提供有效的营业执照或商业登记证明。
(1) The participant should be independent legal person enterprises or institutions legally registered at home and abroad with valid business licenses or business registration certificates.
(2) 鼓励参赛团队由熟悉中国国情,具有丰富经验的建筑设计、城市设计、运营策划、生态景观等多专业人员构成。

(2) It encourages that the participating team should consist of professional personnel from multiple specialties who are familiar with China's national conditions and have rich experience in architectural design, urban design, operation planning and ecological landscape.
(3) 允许联合体报名,联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过 3 家;联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的单位组成联合体参加本次竞赛活动。
(3) Consortiums with no more than 3 members (including leading member) are allowed to apply; All consortium parties must not participate in the competition event in their own names separately or form a consortium with other agencies.
(4) 本次竞赛活动不接受个人及个人组合报名。
(4) The competition event does not accept application of individuals and individual groups.
(5) 单位法人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时报名。
(5) The person in charge of the company is the same person or different agencies with shareholding or management relationship must not apply at the same time.

(6) 业绩要求:报名的单位(含联合体)近10年(2014年1月1日至今,以签定合同时间为准)需具有大型公共文化建筑(文化或艺术类、剧院类场馆)设计经验,至少1个。
(6) Achievement requirements: The participant (including the consortium) shall have design experience in large-scale public cultural architectures (such as cultural or art venues, or theaters) in the past 10 years (from January 1, 2014 to present, subject to contract signing time),at least one.

报名费用/Entry Fee


(1)设计费 Relevant fees
Design fee control price:The winning company, determined by the organizer, if as an implementation programme, will be awarded a further design contract, and its contract design fee control price is RMB5,000,000.00 yuan,Shortlisted agencies make their own quotation according to their schemes within the upper control price.
(2)奖金 Bonus
第一名:奖金人民币 100万元(如作为实施方案,则获得设计深化合同,本奖金在深化设计费中扣除);
The 1st place winner: A bonus of 1million yuan(If as an implementation programme, a design deepening contract is awarded and this bonus will be deducted from the deepening design fee);
The 2nd place winner: A bonus of seven hundred thousand yuan;
The 3rd place winner: A bonus of six hundred thousand yuan;
The 4th place winner: A bonus of five hundred thousand yuan;
The 5th place winner: A bonus of five hundred thousand yuan.



/ Project name


The competition for the planning and architectural scheme of Culture and Art Center Project in Guangfeng District, Shangrao City


/ Submission deadline for pre-qualification application documents

2024年4月8日 17:00 


/ Project overview


Urban cognition


Shangrao City, known as Xinzhou and Guangxin in ancient times, is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province, adjacent to Zhejiang Province in the east, Fujian Province and Yingtan City of Jiangxi Province in the south, Fuzhou City, Nanchang City and Jiujiang City in the west, and Jingdezhen City and Huangshan City of Anhui Province in the north, and is the regional center city of Jiangxi Province, with a total land area of 2736.98 square kilometers. By the end of 2023, Shangrao has a resident population of 6,395,900 people.


图1 上饶与周边地区关系示意图

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the relationship between Shangrao and neighboring regions


Shangrao City has a subtropical humid climate and rich tourism resources, and Wuyuan County in Shangrao City has been named a national model area for regional tourism. As a national comprehensive transportation hub, it has leading industries such as new energy, non-ferrous metals, electromechanical optics and new building materials.By the end of 2022, Shangrao City will realize a regional GDP of 330.97 billion yuan, a general public budget revenue of 25.09 billion yuan, and a per capita disposable income of 31,675 yuan.


Guangfeng District belongs to Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, which is the first district from Zhejiang Province into Jiangxi. It has the title of "Hometown of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" and "Hometown of National Wushu", etc. The total volume and growth rate of the main economic indicators have always been in the forefront of the city, and has been awarded the " Top 100 regions with comprehensive national strength " and "National Top 100 Investment Potential Districts".


图2 广丰区区位示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the location of Guangfeng District


Project location


The core area of Guangfeng urban new area where this project is located, relies on the advantages of the north area of the city as a functional agglomeration of Guangfeng District's administration, cultural and sports activities, district facilities, digital commerce, transportation hub, high-tech manufacturing, etc., and makes every effort to build an important innovation and sharing service center and a vibrant area of the smart city, so as to become a core growth pole of the central part of Shangrao City, and a pleasant city with landscape and ecological livability.


图3 广丰区城北新区规划结构示意图

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the planning structure of the northern part of the city in Guangfeng District


This project is located in the south side of the administrative center in the north area of Guangfeng District, east side of Jiaxuan East Avenue, south side of Yingbin Avenue, west side of Tongyashan Avenue, north side of Wengjialing Road, with a total land area of about 43.49 acres, which is an important central node position of the city.


图4 本项目用地示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of land use for this project


The Beihu Park on the west side of the project is the central park and comprehensive park of the north area of the city, with the landscape water surface elevation of 108.5 M. It undertakes the comprehensive functions of ecology, recreation, culture, popularization of science, landscape, and emergency evacuation, and mainly serves the urban residents, shopping and leisure people, city sightseeing people, and administrative office people.


The Xixi River Scenic Belt on the east side of the project is an interactive open park combining natural experience and cultural exchange, and it is an important part of the perfect landscape green vein of Guangfeng District's dynamic new city.


On the south side of the project is the planned featured commercial service center, which serves as a service downtown level commercial support with commercial complexes and business centers, providing diversified commercial experience, leisure services and business and financial services.


图5 广丰区城北新区规划用地示意图

Fig.5 Schematic diagram of the planned land in Chengbei Area of Guangfeng District


Design content


The design of the competition phase of this project consists of three levels, which are:


1)Urban study of the area where the Guangfeng District Culture and Arts Center is located


2)Guangfeng District Cultural and Arts Center Master Plan


3)Conceptual design of architectural scheme for Guangfeng District Cultural and Art Center and urban park scheme。


See the Design Brief for the specific requirements.


/ Requirements for application

(1) 报名单位须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构,可提供有效的营业执照或商业登记证明。

(1) The participant should be independent legal person enterprises or institutions legally registered at home and abroad with valid business licenses or business registration certificates. 

(2) 鼓励参赛团队由熟悉中国国情,具有丰富经验的建筑设计、城市设计、运营策划、生态景观等多专业人员构成。

(2) It encourages that the participating team should consist of professional personnel from multiple specialties who are familiar with China's national conditions and have rich experience in architectural design, urban design, operation planning and ecological landscape.

(3) 允许联合体报名,联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过 3 家;联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的单位组成联合体参加本次竞赛活动。

(3) Consortiums with no more than 3 members (including leading member) are allowed to apply; All consortium parties must not participate in the competition event in their own names separately or form a consortium with other agencies.

(4) 本次竞赛活动不接受个人及个人组合报名。

(4) The competition event does not accept application of individuals and individual groups.

(5) 单位法人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时报名。

(5) The person in charge of the company is the same person or different agencies with shareholding or management relationship must not apply at the same time.

(6) 业绩要求:报名的单位(含联合体)近10年(2014年1月1日至今,以签定合同时间为准)需具有大型公共文化建筑(文化或艺术类、剧院类场馆)设计经验,至少1个。

(6) Achievement requirements: The participant (including the consortium) shall have design experience in large-scale public cultural architectures (such as cultural or art venues, or theaters) in the past 10 years (from January 1, 2014 to present, subject to contract signing time),at least one.


/ Competition Rules


This competition is divided into two phases: Stage I: Application and pre-qualification, Stage II: Design competition stage.


Stage I: Application and pre-qualification


The participants submit the application documents according to the Competition Rules. The Host sets up a pre-qualification review jury in accordance with the law. The pre-qualification review jury will conduct a comprehensive review on the shortlisted pre-qualification application documents, with the review contents covering industry reputation, design experience, project achievements, awards, teams to be involved in the Project, conceptual proposals of the participants. The pre-qualification review jury will adopt the method of open ballot (round-by-round elimination), select 5 shortlisted participants from all qualified participants and 2 alternatives (ranked), which will replace in order if any shortlisted participant withdraws.


Stage II: Design competition stage


Shortlisted participants should submit qualified deliverables according to the Design Brief. The Host sets up the scheme review jury in accordance with the law. The scheme review jury adopts open ballot (round-by-round elimination). With thorough discussion, the jury will ranked the five shortlisted proposals and put forward review opinions.


If the first-place proposal is confirmed as the implementation , the first-place winner will be awarded the contract for deepening the design. The other finalists will be awarded prizes according to their ranking.


/ Competition Agenda


☆ 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办单位保留调整日程安排的权利,如出现日程调整的情况,主办单位将通过邮件的形式,通知入围参赛单位。

☆ All time is subject to Beijing time. The Host reserves the right to adjust the agenda. In case of an agenda adjustment, the Host will notify shortlisted participants by e-mail.


/ Relevant fees & Bonus

(1)设计费 Relevant fees


Design fee control price:The winning company, determined by the organizer, if as an implementation programme, will be awarded a further design contract, and its contract design fee control price is  RMB5,000,000.00  yuan,Shortlisted agencies make their own quotation according to their schemes within the upper control price.

(2)奖金 Bonus

第一名:奖金人民币 100万元(如作为实施方案,则获得设计深化合同,本奖金在深化设计费中扣除);

The 1st place winner: A bonus of 1million yuan(If as an implementation programme, a design deepening contract is awarded and this bonus will be deducted from the deepening design fee);


The 2nd place winner: A bonus of seven hundred thousand yuan;


The 3rd place winner: A bonus of six hundred thousand yuan;


The 4th place winner: A bonus of five hundred thousand yuan;


The 5th place winner: A bonus of five hundred thousand yuan.


/ Competition Information Inquiry and Material Acquisition

1. 资料索取

Material Acquisition


Applicants should send the application form to the designated email: competition@ehow.net.cn. The consultation service agency will reply and send the Design Brief and related design materials within one working day after receiving and reviewing the application form.


Application form download link:


2. 申请单位需于2024年4月8日17:00前登录以下网址或扫描二维码登记报名信息,请准确填写报名信息(内容须与提交的资格预审申请文件一致):

The participants need to log in to the following website or scan the QR code before 17:00 on April 8, 2024, log in and register the application information, and fill in the application information accurately (the content must be consistent with the submitted application documents):



3. 竞赛公告及对本公告的修改和补充可登陆以下网站/微信公众号上查询:

The competition announcement and relevant modifications and supplements to this announcement will be released on the following websites/WeChat official accounts:

(1)公告网站 Announcement website:


People's Government of Guangfeng District, Shangrao City:www.gfx.gov.cn

(2)微信公众号 WeChat official accounts:



/ Submission

1. 资格预审申请文件需于2024年4月8日17:00前递交(可快递)至:江西省上饶市广丰区永丰街道丰溪路666号(上饶市自然资源局广丰分局),联系人:刘铭,联系电话:13507936494(仅负责收件)。

Pre-qualification application documents need to be submitted before 17:00 on April 8, 2024 (courier may be used) to: No. 666 Fengxi Road, Yongfeng Street, Guangfeng District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province (Guangfeng Branch of Shangrao City Natural Resources Bureau),contact person Mr. Liu 13507936494 (responsible for deliverables receiving only).

2. 以指定地点现场收到的纸质文件为准,不接受逾期提交的申请文件。

The hard copy documents received on-site at the designated location shall prevail, and no overdue submitted application documents shall be accepted. 


/ Organizing institutions

主办方 Host:


People's Government of Guangfeng District, Shangrao City

承办方 Undertakers:


Guangfeng Branch of Shangrao City Natural Resources Bureau


Shangrao Guangfeng District Development Group Co., Ltd.

竞赛咨询服务 Competition consultation service:


Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center

联系方式 Contact information:

田工 / Ms. Tian:+86 13312968676(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—18:00)

电子邮箱/ E-mail:competition@ehow.net.cn

☆ 主办单位对本次国际竞赛规则拥有最终解释权。中、英文文本不一致的,以中文文本为准。

☆ The Host reserves the ultimate right to interpret the rules of this Competition. If the Chinese and English editions disagree, the Chinese edition shall prevail.


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