招标公告 | 河套深港科技创新合作区国际协同创新区北区项目(二标段)建筑方案设计

作者/Writer:官方 2023.12.13







There are no qualification restrictions for the registration of the Tender. Bidding applicants must be legally registered independent legal persons, partnership enterprise or other organizations.
(2)接受联合体投标,联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过 2 家。联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名。联合体合作方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,各方的工作分工、权益份额等。
Application of a consortium with less than two member units (including the leading unit) is acceptable. Consortium members must not apply again on its own or with other design units as another consortium. Consortium members should sign a Consortium Agreement with legal force and clarify the leading agency, the work division and rights and interests of all parties.
The application of individuals or individual groups is not accepted. (The pre-qualification document requirements shall prevail at last.)

报名费用/Entry Fee


落标补偿费共计 320 万元,其中:
The total compensation for bid failure is RMB 3.2 million, of which:
(1)进入评标环节,但未中标的 4 家单位各 80 万元。
RMB 800,000 for each of the four agencies that has entered the bid review stage but failed to win the bid.
The bidder will not pay the compensation for the bidding scheme that has entered bid review stage but is judged by the bid review jury to be in violation of the veto clauses of the tender documents and treated as rejected one, or deemed by the bid review jury as failure to meet the depth and requirements of the tender documents. The official tender documents shall prevail at last.


Architectural Scheme Design of North Area (Section 2) of International Collaborative Innovation Zone of The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone


Tender Announcement



Project name: Architectural Scheme Design of North Area (Section 2) of International Collaborative Innovation Zone of The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone


Project location: Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province


Deadline for pre-qualification application: 17:00 on December 26, 2023


项目信息 /Project Information

1.1 项目背景 Project Background


According to the requirements of the Plan for Shenzhen Park of The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone approved by the State Council, and taking the leading area for Shenzhen-Hong Kong S&T Innovation and Cooperation, the experimental field for international advanced S&T innovation rules, and the aggregation area for pre-production tests in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) as the orientation, The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone aims at building a world-class science and technology innovation hub, focusing on six major areas of medical science and technology, big data/artificial intelligence, robot, new materials, microelectronics, and fintech, carrying out cutting-edge science and technology exploration and key technology R&D, mastering a number of core and common key technologies, and providing strong support for the construction of an international world-class science and technology innovation center in the GBA.


As the core area directly having dialogue with the Hong Kong Park of the Cooperation Zone and the top priority of the Shenzhen Park of the Cooperation Zone, the International Collaborative Innovation Zone will be developed into a world-class scientific research park in the future, and build high-quality scientific research laboratory space, open and shared park public space, ecological and green planning, and construction concepts and intelligent and advanced park operation system to become the pacesetter for the planning and construction of the scientific research park.

1.2 项目位置 Project Location


Located on the east side of Futian District, Shenzhen (see Figure 1 for details), within the former Huanggang Port Cargo Inspection Area, adjacent to the border between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and close to the Huanggang Port and Futian Port, the International Collaborative Innovation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Collaborative Innovation Zone") Phase I of The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperation Zone") faces the Hong Kong Park of the Shenzhen Park of The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (named: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park) across the Shenzhen River. Boasting excellent location, transportation, supporting facilities and ecology, this Area is planned as the core functional area of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, indicating the strategic significance for the future development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


图1  项目用地区位图(一)


Figure 1- Location diagram(Ⅰ)

©Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd

1.3 现状情况 Current Situation

(1)用地现状 Current land use


Current location of the Project remains the cargo inspection function of the Huanggang Port. After the cancellation of cargo function and the completion of land consolidation work, the land will be released.


图2 项目用地区位图(二)


Figure 2- Location diagram(Ⅱ)

©Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd

(2)周边现状 Current situation of surrounding area


The northwest corner of the Project is concentrated on a myriad of residential and office buildings with a height of about 100 meters, and the residential and office buildings along the street are about 100 meters away from the Project site. The southwest direction of the Project serves as a port hub, echoing the Hong Kong Park, which is planned as a R&D and higher education base, across the Shenzhen River.


图3 协同创新区周边现状


Figure 3- Current situation around the Collaborative Innovation Zone

©Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd

1.4 设计范围 Design Scope


The design scope of the Tender is the North Area Section 2 Project. 


图4 设计范围图


Figure 4- Design scope diagram

©Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd

1.5 总体指标 Overall Indicators



报名要求 /Application Requirements


There are no qualification restrictions for the registration of the Tender. Bidding applicants must be legally registered independent legal persons, partnership enterprise or other organizations.

(2)接受联合体投标,联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过 2 家。联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名。联合体合作方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,各方的工作分工、权益份额等。

Application of a consortium with less than two member units (including the leading unit) is acceptable. Consortium members must not apply again on its own or with other design units as another consortium. Consortium members should sign a Consortium Agreement with legal force and clarify the leading agency, the work division and rights and interests of all parties.


The application of individuals or individual groups is not accepted. (The pre-qualification document requirements shall prevail at last.)


招标规则 /Tendering Rules


The Project adopts open tender (pre-qualification), which is divided into Stage I: Pre-qualification Stage, Stage II: Scheme Bidding Stage, and Stage III: Bid Selection Stage.

3.1 第一阶段:资格预审阶段

Stage I: Pre-qualification Stage 


The Project adopts the open bidding form to carry out comprehensive review of the pre-qualification application documents, determining five shortlisted agencies (without ranking) and two alternative agencies (with ranking).


After the public announcement of pre-qualification results with no objection, the pre-qualified and shortlisted agencies should submit the Bidding Confirmation Letter according to the prescribed time, and the Host will issue the tender documents to agencies that have submitted the Bid Confirmation Letter. If a shortlisted agency gives up participation in the next-stage scheme bidding, it should submit the No-Bid Letter to the Host. If the bidder having submitted the Bidding Confirmation Letter withdraws midway or abandons the bid eventually due to non-force majeure, the Host has the right to refuse the bidder to participate in the Host’s other construction projects in the future.


Principles of alternative agency replacement

① 如资格预审结果公示期间,经查实入围单位提供虚假文件或涉嫌造假的,则取消其入围资格,由备选单位依序递补。

If a shortlisted agency is discovered to have provided false documents or be suspected of falsification during the public announcement of the pre-qualification results, it will be disqualified and replaced with alternative agencies in sequence.

② 入围单位未按时提交投标确认函或明确退出下一阶段方案投标的,则备选单位依序递补。

If the shortlisted agency fails to submit the Bidding Confirmation Letter on time or clearly withdraws from the next-stage scheme bidding, the alternative agency will substitute it in sequence.

③ 招标文件发布三个工作日内,投标单位中有退出下一阶段方案投标的,则备选单位依序递补,逾期后有退出的不再递补。

If any of the bidding agencies withdraws from the next-stage scheme bidding within three working days after the tender documents are released, the alternative agency will substitute it in sequence. If there is a withdrawal after the deadline, no alternative agency will substitute.

3.2 第二阶段:方案投标阶段 

Stage II: Scheme Bidding Stage


The Host should set up a bid review jury according to the law, carry out open bidding review for bidding schemes (subject to on-site bidding presentation by the project leader/chief designer), and recommend the top three shortlisted candidates (without ranking) to enter the Bid Selection Stage. 

3.3 第三阶段:定标阶段 

Stage III: Bid Selection Stage

由招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从方案评标委员会推荐的 3 名中标候选人中确定1名中标人。

The Host should set up a bid selection jury according to the law and regulations, and determine one winner among the three shortlisted candidates recommended by the scheme bid review jury.


招标日程安排 /Tender Schedule



* All times are subject to Beijing time and are tentative. The Host has the to adjust the schedule according to the real work situation.


招标估价 /Tender Estimate


The upper limit price for the bidding is RMB 40 million.The shortlisted agencies will make their own quotation according to the scheme within the upper limit price. (The official tender documents shall prevail at last)


落标补偿费 /Compensation For Bid Failure

落标补偿费共计 320 万元,其中:

The total compensation for bid failure is RMB 3.2 million, of which:

(1)进入评标环节,但未中标的 4 家单位各 80 万元。

RMB 800,000 for each of the four agencies that has entered the bid review stage but failed to win the bid.


The bidder will not pay the compensation for the bidding scheme that has entered bid review stage but is judged by the bid review jury to be in violation of the veto clauses of the tender documents and treated as rejected one, or deemed by the bid review jury as failure to meet the depth and requirements of the tender documents. The official tender documents shall prevail at last.


资格预审申请文件提交地点 /Submission Location


3F, Shenzhen Trading Consulting Group ,Block A, Nanshan Intelligence Valley Entrepreneurship Park, 3185 Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China


Important Reminders


Enterprise information registration

未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记过的设计单位,须前往 https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/提前进行登记;以联合体报名的各个成员单位都需要进行网上注册登记。

Design agencies that have not registered on the Shenzhen Electronic Bidding and Trading Platform must go to https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/to register in advance; each member agency of a consortium need to register online as required.


Tender Information Inquiry


Pre-qualification document download: Please go to "Shenzhen Public Resources Transaction Network – Tender Announcement" to view the announcement and download pre-qualification documents: (https://new.szggzy.com/jygg/details.html?contentId=2023174)

提醒:  本项目设计任务书及相关附件请投标人使用交易系统密钥登录“深圳公共资源交易中心-投标人子系统”中“下载资格预审文件”处搜索本项目名称下载。

Reminder: for the Design Brief and related appendixes for this project, bidders are required to use the trading system key to log in to the Download Qualification Pre-qualification Documents of Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Center - Bidder Subsystem and search for the project name to download.


The solicitation announcement will be released on the following websites. Modifications and supplements to this announcement is subject to the contents made public on the following websites/WeChat official accounts:

(1)公告网站 Announcement websites:

深圳公共资源交易网 Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Network:


深圳城市促进中心网站 Website of  Shenzhen Center for Design:


海外版网址 Archdaily:


(2)微信公众号 WeChat official accounts:





Host: Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd


Tender Consulting Planning: Shenzhen Ehow R&d Center


Tender Agency: Shenzhen Trading Consulting Group


Tender Contact


联系电话:+86 13641432974(北京时间周一至周五9:00—18:00)


Contact person: Ms. Peng

Contact phone number: +86 13641432974 (Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00 Beijing time)

E-mail: competition@ehow.net.cn


The Host has the final interpretation right for rules of the Open Tender, and the interpretation language shall be Chinese.


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