01 赛事背景 Background
To put the notion of “people-centered development” into effect, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on People, Design for City” since 2018. Focusing on public facilities in urban space, the serial competitions call for design proposals to create fine public spaces and thus improve the functional quality of cities. An array of widely influential events have been launched so far, including the Competition for Blood Donation Facilities in Key Areas of Nanjing, the Competition for Nanjing Metro Station Entrance and Exit, the Competition for Micro Stations in Jiangsu Garden Expo Park, the Maigaoqiao Street Covered Viaduct Design Competition, the Competition for Landscape Facilities in Nanjing Green Expo Garden, the “Viewing Pavilion - Micro Building” Design Competition for the Vertical Environment-Community Unit in Nanjing, the “Micro-Settlement - Light Construction” Nanjing Environment-Community Units Architectural Design Competition, and the “Wharf-Community” Design Competition for the Double-Oriented Wharf & Vertical Community beside Qinhuai River in Nanjing.
The tenth competition focuses on small and micro-renewal of new urban remains to help improve people’s livelihood and give expression to local culture.
02 赛事主旨 Theme
Nanjing’s urban development has given rise to an abundance of “new urban relics”, including disused infrastructure and spare industrial relics. The reactivation and repurposing of these relics hold significant importance for urban renewal and exhibit huge potential. Themed “400 Meters in the Air - International Design Competition for Sports Park Facilities on Metro Line”, this competition focuses on the revitalization and repurposing of disused metro line. The primary goal is to address to people’s everyday life needs for urban infrastructure and spur reflections on new strategies and approaches to integrate China’s current urban infrastructure into daily life. This competition is a call to action, advocating the reconnection of urban behavior and life experiences that have been disjointed by infrastructure. This can be achieved by crafting three-dimensional urban public spaces that connect with different elevations. To be specific, it aims to transform disused metro line into “fitness facilities”, “everyday facilities”, and “fashion facilities” to improve people’s quality of life.
The competition is open to participants both at home and abroad, and the winning proposals will be implemented. Hopefully, through consultation, joint contribution and sharing, this event can offer an example of small and micro-renewal of urban infrastructure and landscape spaces in the city, facilitate urban renovation and ecological remediation, improve the quality of life, and thus enhance the gratification and well-being of citizens.
本期竞赛邀请著名建筑师、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)Christian Kerez教授,比利时著名建筑事务所OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen,著名建筑师、奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)前校长Per Olaf Fjeld教授,著名建筑师、Bow-wow建筑工作室主持建筑师、日本东京工业大学塚本由晴教授,著名建筑师、东南大学建筑学院葛明教授,著名建筑师、王维仁建筑设计研究室主持建筑师、香港大学建筑系王维仁教授,著名建筑师、Tao迹事务所主持建筑师华黎等组成学术指导委员会。
Invited members of the Academic Steering Committee for this competition include Prof. Kersten Geers at Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio and Prof. David Van Severen, principal architects of OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, eminent architect Prof. Per Olaf Fjeld, former President of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), eminent architect Prof. Christian Kerez at ETH Zurich, eminent architect and scholar, Prof. Ge Ming at School of Architecture Southeast University, eminent architect and scholar, Prof. Wang Weijen at Faculty of Architecture, Hong Kong University and lead architect of Wang Weijen Architecture, and Prof. Hua Li, lead architect of Trace Architecture Office (TAO).
03 赛事组织 Organization
学术支持/Academic Advisors
Christian Kerez教授 Prof. Christian Kerez
OFFICE建筑事务所 OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen
Per Olaf Fjeld教授 Prof. Per Olaf Fjeld
塚本由晴教授 Prof. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
葛明教授 Prof. Ge Ming
王维仁教授 Prof. Wang Weijen
华黎教授 Prof. Hua Li
南京市规划和自然资源局 Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
南京地铁集团有限公司 Nanjing Metro Group
中国(南京)软件谷管理委员会规划建设部 Administrative Committee of China(Nanjing)Software Valley
执行单位/Executive Agency
南京创意设计中心 Nanjing Creative Design Center
04 时间计划 Timeline
1.大赛征集/Call for Entries
October 27, 2023 - 0:00, December 31, 2023 (submission deadline)
2.踏勘及答疑/Site Survey and Q&A
Site surveys and Q&A sessions will be organized in November 2023.
3.专家评审/Jury Review
From January to February 2024, two rounds of jury evaluation will be convened. The preliminary evaluation will determine the shortlisted entries, and the final evaluation will determine the winners of the first, second and third prizes.
4.网络票选/Online Voting
In February 2024, the shortlisted works will be announced for online voting. The online voting will determine the winners of the “Award of Online Popularity”.
5.结果公示/Public Notice on the Results
In March 2024, the Organizing Committee will give a public notice on the winners.
6.表彰展示/Recognition and Exhibition
In March 2024, the winners will be recognized and celebrated, and the winning entries will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition.
05 参赛报名 Registration
This competition is open to all individuals and organizations in China and abroad. Any design organizations, independent architects, students, and individuals of any other occupation are welcome to participate.
Participants can access the registration materials using the download link below and should send the completed materials (including the design proposal, letter of commitment, entry form, and ID documents, see the “Competition Materials” requirements) to 400mintheair@designforcity.cn with the subject of “Renovating Xiaohang Metro Line in Nanjing: International Design Competition for Sports Park Facilities on Metro Line” by 0:00, December 31, 2023 (submission deadline).
下载链接/Download Link
下载密码/Download Code
Participants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design plans that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.
06 设计任务 Design Task Specification
1.设计内容及要求/Design Content and Requirements
The site is located on a disused in-air metro line next to Xiaohang Metro Station in Yuhua District, Nanjing. The disused metro line is about 400 meters long, 5.2 meters wide, and 3.5 meters to 13.5 meters above the ground. It will be transformed into Nanjing’s first “High Line Park”, serving as a demonstrative project for the efforts to renovate and renew disused facilities in Nanjing as well as an important part of Nanjing’s cultural trademark.
The design objects are two special nodes on the elevated 400-meter promenade, which functions as sports, events and community service facilities. Participants can choose either of the sites and design a single facility-structure or a cluster of facilities-structures on the selected site.

1.1 空中400米:南京小行地铁接轨线上公园设施
400 meters in the Air: Park Facilities on the Disused Xiaohang Metro Line in Nanjing
400 meters in the air: The original Xiaohang metro line, spanning 400 meters, will be transformed into a park that integrates landscape with facilities and architecture, providing citizens with a 400-meter promenade in air as well as sports, event and service facilities alongside.
Park facilities on the metro line: In accordance with the theme of the above-mentioned 400-meter sports park in air, to develop the public space system above and below the existing metro line viaduct, program and design a single facility-structure or a cluster of facilities-structures, serving as “fitness facility” for sports, “fashion facility” for events and “everyday facility” for community.
1.2 设计要求/Design requirements
Site plan drawing requirements: Consider the environment both above and below the metro connection line viaduct and draw at least a site plan within the designated scope of the land use.
Functional requirements: In conjunction with the area along the disused metro line, consider community sports, events and service without affecting the continuity of the 400-meter in-air promenade. (There should be two-way footpaths, in which each one-way footpath should have a minimum clear width of 1.2 meters. Buffer space should be incorporated as deemed necessary.) It should include at least the following components:
A public facility-structure on the viaduct as an enlarged node of the linear park (the indoor part should cover 20-30 square meters), which can be used for specific sports activities (not limited to indoor ones);
A public facility-structure below the viaduct as a public facility for the ground-level greenway (the indoor part should cover 20-30 square meters);
A traffic facility which connects the facility-structures serves also as a link between above and below the viaduct.
Environmental requirements: Design both the environment above and below the viaduct. Pay attention to the relationship with the nearby Ningwu Railway and the planned river course, give holistic considerations to the terrain, facilities, and landscape, and try to preserve as many existing trees as possible but may transplant some if necessary. With the current landscape plan for the ground greenway under implementation, contestants have the flexibility to make minor adjustments in alignment with their design concepts.
Structural requirements: Consider light construction. It is advisable to partially incorporate the existing viaduct structure into the facility-structure, proper conversion of the viaduct can be conducted if deemed necessary. The foundations of the added facility-structure must stay within the red-lined area, on the viaduct and to its east (see “Landing Range of the Building Structure”).
Area requirements: The total building area should be 300 square meters maximum, and the indoor spaces on the ground or in an elevated position should cover 20-30 square meters each.
Construction restrictions: The highest point of the building (except for the sports field enclosure) should not exceed 8 meters from the surface of the viaduct where the building is situated. The building coverage must stay within the designated red line of land use (see “red line of land use”).
1.3 场地条件/Site conditions
Located along the Disused Xiaohang metro line in Yuhua District, both plots cover an area of 1,200-1,500 square meters.
A地块/Plot A

Entrance section: The design should be conceived in conjunction with the metro line. Based on the planned sports activities, it should serve as the western entrance to the entire sports park, a link between the ground and the viaduct, as well as a public space that integrates landscape with architecture and facilities, propelling the improvement of the overall environment.
B地块/Plot B

In-air section: The design should be conceived in conjunction with the metro line. Based on the planned sports activities, it should serve as an enlarged node of the entire sports park as well as a public space that integrates landscape with architecture and facilities, propelling the improvement of the overall environment.
2.成果要求/Requirements for the Design Result
2.1.Graphic content
①A brief description (300 words maximum)
②A site plan
③A complete set of drawings that clearly manifest your design intent (e.g. plan, elevation, section, overall rendering, detail drawings of a part, etc.). No restriction on the means of manifestation.
④It is forbidden to include in the drawing any information revealing the identity of the designer. Nonobservance will lead to disqualification.
2.2.Layout Requirements
Format: Electronic file, either PDF or JPG;Size: 841mm (W) * 1189mm (H);Precision: not less than 300dpi;Page: One page in a vertical layout
07 评审及奖项 Judging and Awards
1.专家评审/Jury evaluation
From January to February 2024, two rounds of jury evaluation will be convened. The preliminary review will determine the shortlisted entries for online voting, and the final review will determine the winners of the first, second and third prizes.
2.网络评选/Online Voting
In February 2024, the shortlisted works will be announced for online voting. Based on the voting results, the “Award of Online Popularity” will be conferred. This award is also obtainable to winners of the first, second and third prizes.
1 first prize winner, bonus: 100,000 yuan;
3 second prize winners, bonus: 50,000 yuan for each;
6 third prize winners, bonus: 20,000 yuan for each;
6 winners of the Award of Online Popularity, bonus: RMB 5,000 for each.
Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.
其余奖励/Other rewards:
①The award-winning designers and proposals will be announced and recognized;
②Selected award-winning design works will be carried out for construction;
③Certificates will be conferred upon the winning organizations or individuals;
④The winning designers will be included in the designer pool of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and recommended for other urban design projects.
08 注意事项 Notes
1.Contestants must truthfully fill in the registration information and meet all the requirements of this event. Organizational contestants must have the entry form and letter of commitment stamped with the official seal and submit a scanned copy of the business license (also stamped). Individual contestants must sign the entry form and letter of commitment and submit a scanned copy of the ID cards of all contestants (signed). Incomplete submission would result in disqualification. The letter of commitment, entry form, and ID documents shall be submitted in PDF format, and the information input form in Excel format.
2.Contestants should complete the design task as required. For either plot, each contestant can only submit one proposal. The submitted proposal must be complete; incomplete proposals would be deemed invalid. Submission of multiple proposals would result in disqualification.
3.Contestants should guarantee the originality of the submissions. Verified plagiarism, pirating, or other form of IP infringement would result in disqualification.
4.The copyright of the winning entries is jointly possessed by the designer and the competition organizers. During the follow-up construction, the organizing committee may entrust the detailed design of the scheme or the working drawings to the original designer as a priority choice or to a third-party institution. The copyright of the non-award-winning entries belongs to the designer.
5.The competition organizer reserves the right of final explanation for the competition rules.
09 联系方式 Contact Details
联系邮箱/Email Address